According to a University of Michigan study, having an unsupportive spouse can significantly increase the risk of depression. The study analyzed ten years of data from nearly 5000 adults. Researchers found that the quality of people’s relationships with a spouse, predicted the likelihood of depression, regardless of how often their social interactions took place. Individuals with strained relationships were significantly more likely to develop depression , whereas those without a spouse were at no increased risk at all. People with the lowest quality relationships- characterized by a lack of support and social strain- had more than twice the risk of depression than those with the best relationships. (PLOS ONE, April 30th)

I wonder if this is a big surprise to people? Relationships and connections with others are the “fuel” of our emotional well-being. We are born with innate need to connect and feel emotionally safe with others. When that is threatened by an unsupportive relationship then it almost has to create a sense of emptiness, which can lead to a depression. I would be curious to hear what others have to say on this matter. Please place your comments and thoughts in the space provided below.