Baltimore Psychologist

Anxiety Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Anxiety can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease for those individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), according to researchers at Baycrest Health Sciences’ Rotman Research Institute in Toronto. Scientists looked at a sample of 376 adults with MCI, ages 55-91, every six months over a three-year period. They used neuroimaging to analyze brain structural changes. They found that for MCI patients with mild, moderate, or severe anxiety, Alzheimer’s risk increased by 33 percent, 78 percent, and 135 percent respectively. Additionally, the researchers found that MCI patients who had reported anxiety over the follow-up period had more atrophy in the medial temporal lobe – the area responsible for creating memories and an area of the brain that is often associated with Alzheimer’s disease. (American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, online October 29th, 2014)

This is a fascinating study that links anxiety to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. What the study does not specifically address is whether anxiety treatment for these individuals would reduce their risk for developing Alzheimer’s or perhaps slower its development. Perhaps this area will be addressed by future research.


2024-02-28T18:30:28-05:00February 22nd, 2015|Aging, Memory, Stress|

Test-Taking Improves Learning In People Of All Ages

Do you think that you remember and learn better when you know that you will be tested on that material? Have you ever been required to study and memorize an abundant amount of information and wonder whether it would be helpful to take practice exams (assuming that practice exams were available)? In a recent article from the the online journal “Psychology and Aging” it described a study where researchers led by a psychologist with the Houston Veterans Affairs designed a study to answer this questions. The study included 60 college students, 60 younger adults, and 60 older adults. They were given 15 minutes to study and read materials on four different topics.
They then took a multiple choice test on two of the topics and were told which questions they incorrectly answered. Then the participants restudied the topics the test had not covered and took an exam on all four of the topics, either later that day or a couple of days later. The researchers found that adults of various ages improved their retention of new information when they were tested and graded on the material compared to when they only restudied the material.

2024-02-28T18:30:53-05:00May 21st, 2014|Coaching, Exercise|
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