Researchers at Southern Methodist University tracked 169 newlyweds for four years, checking in twice a year to assess weight, height, marital satisfaction, stress, and steps towards divorce. They found the happier the couple was in the marriage the more weight they gained. This was in contrast to couples that were less happier, who tended to gain less weight over the course of the study (Health Psychology, Online March 11)

I’m curious as to what others think about this study. It has always been my impression that individuals fall into one of three groups as it relates to stress/depression and appetite/weight change- increased appetite/weight gain, decreased appetite/weight loss, and no change at all (symptoms may show in other areas e.g. insomnia). What is it then about marital stress that tends to trigger weight loss? Is it that these partners are choosing to control their weight because they are thinking of divorce and they choose to lose weight in order to be more appealing and attractive for their next partner? Or should the focus be on those that are married and their weight gain and that when someone finds satisfaction in their marriage they can begin to appreciate the person more for who they are and less for their figure? I would be interested in hearing what other readers have to say.

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