Brief 2 Minute Video Introduction

One of the ways we like to introduce the new hires at PsychCare is by asking them to complete a brief video (2 minute max) about themselves. This video will NOT be shared to anyone other than internally within PsychCare (the staff and providers). It will NEVER be seen by any of the clients or posted to our website.

Instructions About Content of Video:

Prepare a brief introduction about yourself (Feel free to use humor) I would encourage you to include the following information:
– Brief general background about yourself (e.g. where you grew up, interest/hobbies)
– Brief background about your education, training, and clinical interests/specialities
– Any thing else about yourself that you would like to add
– Anything specific you are looking forward to when working at PsychCare

Instruction How to Record Video:

You can record this video on a smartphone or a computer that has a webcam and a mic. To date, there is no button to review/submit your video. Every time you record a video it is saved and uploaded. We will just assume that the last and most recent video is the video you would like us to use.